Find A Way

Bill Abernathy

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"Find a Way" reached #2 on the Roots Music Pop Rock Chart in September of 2017, and #7 in the Traditional Folk Song Chart in March of 2017. "Find a Way" is my reminiscing about the day my father passed away. When I got the call his death was eminent, I was at work. I finished up about 10 minutes worth of work and left for the hospital. I missed

"Find a Way" reached #2 on the Roots Music Pop Rock Chart in September of 2017, and #7 in the Traditional Folk Song Chart in March of 2017. "Find a Way" is my reminiscing about the day my father passed away. When I got the call his death was eminent, I was at work. I finished up about 10 minutes worth of work and left for the hospital. I missed those last moments with my father by 5 minutes.  The story of the song is about that particular day, but the message of the song is much more important. It's all about being able to find a balance in your life. I lost that balance and prioritize my time improperly that day, missing my last chance to say I love you one more time, and a final goodbye. I looked for a way to Find a Way to do that for many years. At the end of the song, you hear a fully acoustic version of my Dad's favorite song. He always enjoyed hearing me play "The Wildwood Flower", so I added a short version of it to the outtake of the song. It's my way to Find a Way to say I love you one last time to my dad. 

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